Community Partner

Khutsong Youth Friendly Service

Monitoring site


Khutsong Youth Friendly Service was formed in 1998 by several youth formations and it represents all youth irrespective of religious, political and cultural affiliation. It was registered as an NPO in October 2003. The KYFS exists purely to educate and inform youth about reproductive health, sexual responsibility and adult roles without being patronizing. Decision-making and value clarification form an integral part of the programme offered by the centre to teenagers and youth.

KYFS is serving the mining area of Merafong. The area faces high numbers of retrenchments of the workforce. Many of the retrenched workers originating from other parts of the country or neighbouring states remain in the area. Children of schools going age leave school early and fail to complete their primary and secondary school education. This often leads to risky behaviour resulting in teenage pregnancy and HIV/AIDS. The community is dependent on one hospital, seven clinics, eight primary schools, three high schools. The surrounding farming community is also dependent on these public resources. There are formal municipal houses, informal settlements and farming areas. The provision of electricity and cleaning running water are still a problem for the communities in informal settlements and farming areas.

16 May 2018 - 16 November 2018 View results

SASSA Cash Preference


16 May 2018 - 16 November 2018 View results

SASSA / SAPO Card Swap


1 October 2016 - 30 November 2016 View results

Health - Citizen

Khutsong West Clinic